Your Buying Guide Tips about the Robot Vacuum Cleaners

How To Choose The Right Robot Vacuum Cleaners?There are a variety of robot vacuums available in the market at different prices. All of them perform one essential task – cleaning the floor. You can select different robot vacuums according to your flooring or your family needs. Many of these come with added features and are as efficient as a standard vacuum cleaner. Some robot vacuum cleaners can be even remotely operated by WiFi, so that you can get work done even if you are not at home.


Here is a guide of things to look for before selecting a robot vacuum cleaner

Do you really need a robot vacuum cleaner? – A robot vacuum cleaner is the future of cleaning the home. Everything is automated these days, so why not a vacuum cleaner? But a robot vacuum cleaner is not similar to a regular, upright vacuum cleaner. It cannot deep clean your home. But it will pick up food pieces on the floor, animal hair, litter, dust bunnies, little bits of paper or fine dust that invariably settles on your floor. You can use robot vacuum cleaners in your office too. Robot vacuum cleaners can be scheduled to run as often as you want them to.


What is your floor type?

How To Choose The Right Robot Vacuum Cleaners?Most robot vacuum cleaners are designed to deal with both hardwood floors and carpets, but some work only on either. Some high-end robot vacuums have sensors that allow them to adjust their speed and intensity according to the surface they are on. You might have to take care of rugs, because sometimes these robots get entangled in the tassels. If your flooring is entirely made of hardwood, you can go for lower end models that can even pick up animal hair from hardwood floors. If you have tiles vinyl flooring, there are special robot vacuums that can even wet and wash such floors.


What is the size of your home?

This is a very important consideration you have to take into account. Some robot vacuums work beautifully in smaller spaces, while others are more powerful, designed for larger areas. You also have to consider the clearance under your furniture, because some robot vacuums are so high that they cannot pass under your dressers or beds.


Do you have pets?

Many manufacturers make robot vacuum cleaners that clean up dog and cat hair as well as cat litter relatively easily off the floor. Some robot vacuums come with a HEPA filter to filter out any allergens that you might be sensitive to. But if you are planning to buy a robot vacuum cleaner just to clean up pet hair and litter, you may have to service it regularly. The rollover brushes, side brushes and the HEPA filters will wear out soon and will need frequent replacements. You also need to look for a robot vacuum with a larger dustbin size, because a small dustbin might fill up after one use and will overflow of you are not at home to empty it.


Do you want to operate it remotely?

If you want to come home to a clean house everyday, you can install apps in your phone and control the vacuum cleaner via WiFi. There are various WiFi friendly models available in the market. You could even pair them with Alexa or Google Assistant, so that they can be operated using a voice command. If you are not too keen on WiFi, you could opt for cleaners that are operated by a remote having simple batteries.


Why Purchase A Robot Vacuum Cleaner

A robot vacuum cleaner will help you in the following situations:

  • Fast and spotless cleaning.
  • Saves on time and human labor, actually it requires no manning.
  • Reaches hard to reach places in your house.
  • Covers vast areas in a relatively short time.

There are many providers of this awesome home care gadget. However, there are key parameters that you should keep in check while going to acquire one. Among these parameters are as highlighted.


Cleaning Brushes

How To Choose The Right Robot Vacuum Cleaners?The vacuums brushes located on its underside are a major determinant of your cleaning experience. Brushes which are long and well spread are the most preferable as they clean better and more evenly. In addition, they have a low chance of getting caught with threads from fabric in your house. This also makes the cleaning of the bristles relatively easy when the need arises. Some robot vacuum cleaner may come with a spare brush as an addition to their package.


The Cost

The most convenient and very efficient robot vacuum cleaners are very expensive. Here are the Top 10 Prime best robot vacuum cleaners which is summarized for your shopping conclusion. This makes them out of reach by many who cannot afford its screaming price tag. However, there are cheaper versions in the market that though will have fewer features and may be a bit low in performance, will still have some admirable efficiency. The key will be to get a perfect balance in price and efficiency by getting an affordable gadget but with awesome features.



Warranty is another factor that you should really consider when purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner. Having a nice warranty will guarantee you a refund or free repair of your gadget in case it develops any issue or gets broken. If the warranty is being offered make sure you have a copy of the signed warranty card and take note of the warranty’s duration.


Extra Features

A nice vacuum cleaner will come with some special additional features that will greatly improve your home keeping experience. Among this features will be like a collection kit, a repair kit and also some spares for the gadget such as an extra brush. This extra features will save on additional costs in purchasing them.


The Suction Strength Of The Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The suction of the vacuum cleaner is its key operation mode. The suction allows for sucking up of collected dirt which will be later on discarded. You need to check on the suction power of the gadget before purchase for you to know of its efficiency. A nice cleaner will have an awesome strength and will collect the minutest particle of dirt in your home surface.


Battery Life

Most robot vacuum cleaners run on a rechargeable battery as having an electric cord will interfere with their working model. When going to purchase one get one that has a long battery life that will guarantee it works for long durations without a hint of stalling while on the job.

These are the things you need to keep in mind if you are interested in purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner. A robot vacuum cleaner is a blessing in disguise, indeed. It takes off most of the cleaning load off your shoulders. We hope we could help you a bit by giving guiding tips for buying a robot vacuum cleaner.